
Christmastime Grief | Thursday, December 14
As the hustle and bustle of Christmas intensifies, time stands still for those facing their first, or one of many, Decembers without a loved one. Grief is never easy to cope with, especially at the end of the year. It doesn't help when some people suggest it's time to move on or say that "things will get better," as if they truly understand the depth of the loss. One of the many sobering reminders of our current events is that life is a gift, and we must cherish our time together. This sentiment feels particularly poignant today as we remember, as we have in past years, the children and staff of Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. Twelve years ago today, on December 14, 2012, a gunman tragically took the lives of six faculty members and twenty students, all between the ages of six and seven.
Even though a dozen years have passed, and some family members have taken up causes in their children's names, the pain of this loss still lingers. Whether or not you can relate to their grief, everyone reading today's devotional has experienced the loss of someone they loved. Death is difficult to deal with, whether it comes tragically, suddenly, in old age, or after a long illness. Those of us left behind must pick up the pieces. Regardless of the strength of your faith, you will likely experience doubts, anger, tears, fears, and dark nights of the soul. In these challenging times, refocusing on the promises of God's comfort is important. As Psalm 34:18 says, "The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit."
With this in mind, we offer our prayers and continued thoughts to the families of Newtown and to anyone who is struggling right now. Thankfully, one day, all of our grief and pain will be overshadowed by the joys of heaven.
Let us remember those who lost their lives at Sandy Hook once again.
The Children:
Charlotte Bacon
Daniel Barden
Olivia Engel
Josephine Gay
Dylan Hockley
Madeleine Hsu
Catherine Hubbard
Chase Kowalski
Jesse Lewis
Ana Márquez-Greene
James Mattioli
Grace McDonnell
Emilie Parker
Jack Pinto
Noah Pozner
Caroline Previdi
Jessica Rekos
Avielle Richman
Benjamin Wheeler
Allison Wyatt
The School Staff/Teachers:
Rachel D'Avino
Dawn Hochsprung
Anne Marie Murphy
Lauren Rousseau
Mary Sherlach
Victoria Leigh Soto
May God continue to comfort these families!
Even though a dozen years have passed, and some family members have taken up causes in their children's names, the pain of this loss still lingers. Whether or not you can relate to their grief, everyone reading today's devotional has experienced the loss of someone they loved. Death is difficult to deal with, whether it comes tragically, suddenly, in old age, or after a long illness. Those of us left behind must pick up the pieces. Regardless of the strength of your faith, you will likely experience doubts, anger, tears, fears, and dark nights of the soul. In these challenging times, refocusing on the promises of God's comfort is important. As Psalm 34:18 says, "The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit."
With this in mind, we offer our prayers and continued thoughts to the families of Newtown and to anyone who is struggling right now. Thankfully, one day, all of our grief and pain will be overshadowed by the joys of heaven.
Let us remember those who lost their lives at Sandy Hook once again.
The Children:
Charlotte Bacon
Daniel Barden
Olivia Engel
Josephine Gay
Dylan Hockley
Madeleine Hsu
Catherine Hubbard
Chase Kowalski
Jesse Lewis
Ana Márquez-Greene
James Mattioli
Grace McDonnell
Emilie Parker
Jack Pinto
Noah Pozner
Caroline Previdi
Jessica Rekos
Avielle Richman
Benjamin Wheeler
Allison Wyatt
The School Staff/Teachers:
Rachel D'Avino
Dawn Hochsprung
Anne Marie Murphy
Lauren Rousseau
Mary Sherlach
Victoria Leigh Soto
May God continue to comfort these families!

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