Start Your Year In Church

Start Your Year In Church | January 7, 2024

Contrary to misconception, attending church is more than a religious obligation. Yes, we are responsible for attending regularly, but that shouldn't be our only motivation. See, the church is an opportunity to exercise our convictions. Going to church gives us a unique chance to publicly praise God, give, pray, help others, and receive a message from the Scriptures. Also, attending church fulfills God's will and puts you on the pathway to blessing.
However, becoming complacent and making excuses for our lack of involvement in the church is possible. Hence, the Bible tells us not to become lazy in taking advantage of this opportunity. Hebrews 10:25 says, "And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near." Although we believe this verse and similar passages, why do we still drift away from church?

(1) We allow past absences to keep us away. People often say, "Oh, I can't return because I have missed so many Sundays already." While it may be true that you can't go back and alter that record, staying away will not change that either. Instead, focus on the following Sunday and know God wants you there!

(2) We trick ourselves into thinking that we are too busy. Yes, most people are burning the candle on both ends, but we make time for what we want to make time for in life. Even if you can't get to service right now on Sundays, there are other options to get plugged into during the week.

(3) We believe the roof will fall when entering the building. Even though this is hyperbole, some think that God is waiting for them to return so that He can remind them of their past, but that isn't true. See, God doesn't want to rub your mistakes in your face or point back to your past; He wants to show that your sins have been rubbed out and reveal His plans for you.

Therefore, start fresh today on the first Sunday of the New Year, and attend a Bible-teaching church. Give God the center spot of your life, which starts with your schedule, and leave the results to Him!

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