Choose Your Company Wisely

Choose Your Company Wisely | August 17th

Psychology studies reveal that when choosing friends, you need to be wise. For example, in 2014, the Journal of Consumer Research published that "friends often bond by providing one another with moral support needed to resist temptation. However, friends also commonly conspire together to enjoy indulgences." Another study conducted in 2013 by Psychological Science reported "that when people are running low on self-control, they often seek out self-disciplined people to boost their willpower." Both analyses show that picking the right friends is essential to overall health.

Since God created the intricacies of the human mind, which ultimately impact our idiosyncrasies, it's only fitting that psychological research would confirm what the Scripture already knew before the earth's foundations. Proverbs 13:20 says, "Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm."
Knowing that a pathway to wisdom involves being around the right people, ask yourself a few questions: Am I keeping the right company? Do the people in my life promote godly wisdom, or do the winds of society toss them around? Are they pulling me down with their attitude and actions or pulling me up to a higher standard? As you contemplate these questions and others like them, be prudent with the places you go and acquaintances you make.

With this in mind, consider making regular stops at church and establishing daily communication with those walking with God. Then, according to the Bible, you will experience blessings when you choose your company wisely.
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