Be On God's Side

Be On God's Side | November 5, 2024
During the Civil War, America's 16th President, Abraham Lincoln, was asked if God was on his side. "Sir, my concern is not whether God is on our side," said the President, "my greatest concern is to be on God's side, for God is always right."
It would do our country a great deal of good if we shared President Lincoln's concern! See, some on the right cleverly use Christian talking points to gather followers, while others on the left see no problem in their clear and declared departure from Biblical values in their central platform.
Therefore, we must research each candidate's position, pray for wisdom, and cast a vote. To do this, consider the following: Going to the ballot box is not about gender, race, popularity, celebrity support, convenient Christianity, or word salad promises. On the other hand, there may be some folks looking to skip the election altogether. Choosing not to participate in an election and abstaining from voting is an option. However, we can access a wealth of information, as we have ample "game tape" on each candidate. Hence, we can evaluate what we discover, prioritize competence over fabricated narratives, and vote based on Biblical convictions. In doing so, we are seeking God's best.
Jesus said in Matthew 6:33, "But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you."
In this context, Jesus was summing up His teaching on God's faithfulness to provide, but a key to our trust and possession of these blessings is seeking His kingdom standards and righteousness. See, we can miss out on what God has for us if we are busy chasing our fears or false versions of God's best. Thus, this verse has become a spiritual and moral compass for many believers worldwide, from athletes and business owners to laborers and stay-at-home moms.
Concerning the election today, we are responsible for seeking God's purposes over parties and politics. Consequently, in addition to praying for each candidate, we need to vet their positions on the sanctity of life, the economy, illegal immigration, migrant crime, religious freedom, transgender surgeries for children without parental consent, the perverted curriculum in schools without parental permission, foreign purchase of American farmland, energy independence, men in women's sports, supreme court packing, services to underserved communities, and free speech.
Remember, there is no perfect candidate in this race, and there will never be one. However, we can look for commonalities and commitments that closely align with our faith and vote accordingly. We must also remain objective and not defend any candidate who doesn't stand on God's side.
Friends, we live in a democracy, and as believers, we are responsible for standing up for what God says is right. When we do this in a way that honors God and respects even those we may disagree with, we can say, like President Lincoln, that "our greatest concern is to stand on God's side because He is always right!"
May God grant us wisdom, and may our votes reflect the principles found in Scripture.
It would do our country a great deal of good if we shared President Lincoln's concern! See, some on the right cleverly use Christian talking points to gather followers, while others on the left see no problem in their clear and declared departure from Biblical values in their central platform.
Therefore, we must research each candidate's position, pray for wisdom, and cast a vote. To do this, consider the following: Going to the ballot box is not about gender, race, popularity, celebrity support, convenient Christianity, or word salad promises. On the other hand, there may be some folks looking to skip the election altogether. Choosing not to participate in an election and abstaining from voting is an option. However, we can access a wealth of information, as we have ample "game tape" on each candidate. Hence, we can evaluate what we discover, prioritize competence over fabricated narratives, and vote based on Biblical convictions. In doing so, we are seeking God's best.
Jesus said in Matthew 6:33, "But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you."
In this context, Jesus was summing up His teaching on God's faithfulness to provide, but a key to our trust and possession of these blessings is seeking His kingdom standards and righteousness. See, we can miss out on what God has for us if we are busy chasing our fears or false versions of God's best. Thus, this verse has become a spiritual and moral compass for many believers worldwide, from athletes and business owners to laborers and stay-at-home moms.
Concerning the election today, we are responsible for seeking God's purposes over parties and politics. Consequently, in addition to praying for each candidate, we need to vet their positions on the sanctity of life, the economy, illegal immigration, migrant crime, religious freedom, transgender surgeries for children without parental consent, the perverted curriculum in schools without parental permission, foreign purchase of American farmland, energy independence, men in women's sports, supreme court packing, services to underserved communities, and free speech.
Remember, there is no perfect candidate in this race, and there will never be one. However, we can look for commonalities and commitments that closely align with our faith and vote accordingly. We must also remain objective and not defend any candidate who doesn't stand on God's side.
Friends, we live in a democracy, and as believers, we are responsible for standing up for what God says is right. When we do this in a way that honors God and respects even those we may disagree with, we can say, like President Lincoln, that "our greatest concern is to stand on God's side because He is always right!"
May God grant us wisdom, and may our votes reflect the principles found in Scripture.

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