Hugs Are Healthy

Hugs Are Healthy | September 8th

Neuroscientific studies show that hugging is good for your health! Researchers say that a good hug can lower hormone cortisol levels, reduce stress, and thus regulate your sleep. Hugs also increase oxytocin levels and raise a person's positive outlook while eliminating negative feelings like loneliness, isolation, insecurity, and unjust anger.

In a November 17, 2021, article about hugging, the New York Post said researchers documented that an impactful hug should last a certain amount of time. The report said, "They found that a longer hug — between five and 10 seconds — delivered a more positive impact compared to shorter ones."

Whether you are the "hugging type" or not, the benefits of embracing are undeniable because we know this from personal experience. Some will try to dismiss the helpfulness of a hug by saying the word is not in the Bible, so it must not be necessary in God's overall plans for His people, but that is faulty reasoning at best. Think of it this way: The word trinity isn't in the Bible, but we still believe in it. Scripture may not give us a word directly on specific subjects, but the doctrine or teaching is implied in the passage or story and should be applied. I would say hugging fits that mold.

For example, the incredible story of Joseph in the Old Testament provides a clear picture of the powerful force of a hug. During his memorable reunion with his brothers, Joseph expresses his profound forgiveness with a hug. Genesis 45:14-15 says, "Then Joseph threw his arms around his brother Benjamin and wept, and Benjamin wept on his shoulder. 15 Joseph kissed each of his brothers as he wept, and afterwards, his brothers talked with him."

Hugs convey messages that transcend words and material possessions, communicating genuine affection and acceptance. Knowing this, remember to be mindful of those needing a hug today. Hold that hug for at least 5 seconds and trust God for the results. He has designed us to give and receive these healthy hugs.
Romans 12:10 says, "Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor."

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