What To Do When You Drift From God?

What To Do When You Drift From God? | August 25th

Have you ever had the experience of being in the ocean and drifting away? Whether swimming, body-surfing, boogie-boarding, or fishing, your position can change unknowingly within minutes. Aldi Novel Adilang, a lamp keeper for a fishing company, can relate.

In the summer of 2018, Adilang experienced a drift he would never forget off the Indonesian coast. While performing his duty to keep lights on the fish trap that would generally draw fish so that the fishermen could easily catch and later sell, an unforeseen storm erupted. As a result, the young man drifted 1,676 miles from land! The ocean and wind had tossed him so far that he was lost at sea for nearly two months.
After many failed attempts at getting the attention of passing ships, Adilang contemplated suicide by plunging himself to the bottom of the sea. However, the report said that to try to keep his wits, Adilang read his Bible repeatedly. Reading the Scriptures calmed his mind, steeled his nerves, and gave him hope.

Thankfully, on August 31, 2018, later that same summer, a large ship called the Arpeggio rescued Adilang.

Your walk with God is a lot like the ocean. One minute, you're enjoying the beauty of the waters, and the next, you've drifted miles out. Perhaps a sudden storm pushed you away, or it might have been your own doing. Regardless of the reason, like the young fisherman, you need to get into the Scriptures to find hope so you don't give up. Colossians 1:23 says, "But you must continue to believe this truth and stand firmly in it. Don't drift away from the assurance you received when you heard the Good News. The Good News has been preached all over the world, and I, Paul, have been appointed as God's servant to proclaim it."

Drifting can lead you into a dark place where you contemplate giving up, just as Adilang did. In those moments of doubt, stand firm in the assurances of your faith in God's Holy Word.

Remember, God is faithful, and He will find you, but when He does, accept the lifeline He gives.

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