Joy In doing Right

Joy In Doing Right | December 1st

Several channels and streaming services showcase Christmas movies leading up to December 25th. A few of the plots involve characters portrayed as selfish at first, only to find the Christmas spirit and become kind. Whether it's Ebenezer Scrooge or the Grinch, Christmas provides even the meanest of people with the opportunity to find joy in doing what is right. Now, this perspective is not a new concept. Repeatedly, Scripture admonishes, commands, exhorts, instructs, teaches, and, of course, encourages us to choose to do what is right and adds the fact that there is joy in that decision. For example, Psalm 106:3 says, "There is joy for those who deal justly with others and always do what is right."

Notice that doing what is right extends to our treatment of others. See, in the big picture of God's plan, being an Ebenezer Scrooge to people or having a rotten attitude like that of the Grinch will leave you lonely and miserable. However, being a person of honor and humility and sowing seeds of helpfulness will yield the spiritual blessing of joy.

Remember that joy is a greater degree of happiness because happiness stems from our circumstances, whereas joy comes from Christ. So, for example, while we are unhappy about difficulties, we can be joyful in knowing that God is faithful to provide a way through dark nights of the soul (James 1:2-3.) Likewise, doing right leads to an emotional and mental strength that cannot be manufactured by human means.
Ultimately, then, joy is indeed a choice. See, people will push our buttons, and thoughts of revenge will consume us. Our flesh will want to respond cruelly, but that is not God's best. Therefore, the pathway for the believer is to do what is right in the eyes of the Lord. As you take these steps, trust that God will bless you with a joy that will transcend your frustrations and friction with others.

Often, God will put these "people tests" in our lives because there is a greater trust of service coming. Isaiah 1:17 says, "Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the cause of orphans. Fight for the rights of widows."
Remember, there is always a bigger picture with God, especially when doing right!
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