Combine Prayer And Action

Combine Prayer And Action | October 27, 2023

A little town in Kansas was in the middle of a prolonged drought, as were the neighboring areas. Sensing their congregation and community's desperation for rain, church members asked the pastor to hold an all-day prayer meeting. The pastor was more than happy to oblige, but he thought to use the prayer gathering as an opportunity to teach a lesson on faith.

He made two stipulations to his petitioning members: First, the meeting had to be outside, and second, members could bring one personal item to the prayer service. The pastor scheduled the prayer service after everyone agreed to his terms. People arrived with lawn chairs, coolers, food, and snacks; someone even brought their dog. However, one participant stood out. A young lady not more than twenty years of age attended the prayer meeting and came with a notable item. She didn't come with her phone or purse. Instead, she showed up with an umbrella, anticipating God hearing their humble prayers for rain! Later that evening, God opened the skies and sent the rain.

Whenever we pray, there needs to be an act of faith attached to our requests. We don't want to pray yet doubt that God can deliver. James 1:5-6 says, "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. 6 But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind."

Do you believe God wants to send the rain of his miracles, mercy, grace, love, and blessing on you and your family? If so, make sure that you pack your umbrella, galoshes, and raincoat when you pray because God can open the floodgates if we follow Him in obedience (Malachi 3:10).

You can't pray for God to send the rain and not be prepared to get wet! So when we pray for God to open the heavens, we need to talk to Him and others like we genuinely believe that buckets of precipitation are coming.

May God bless you as you trust Him to send the rain of His blessings.

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