Refuse To Throw In The Towel

Refuse To Throw In The Towel | October 17, 2023 

Life has a way of throwing curveballs at us. These turn of events typically don’t travel alone, bringing with them discouragement and uncertainty. Our enemy, the devil, is mindful of these struggles, and like a bully, he looks to pile onto our latest problem. His untimely contribution to our confusion is usually negativity and a push to get us to quit on God’s plan. At first blush, you might want to give up, but before you throw in the towel, remember that God is working on your behalf while you are waiting.

We know that many circumstances in our life, such as death, divorce, internal disappointment, and emotional despair do not always make sense, especially if we are praying and seeking God. Other personal issues can be family struggles or a loved one that will not surrender to the Lord. We often wonder why we are the subject of these unanswered prayers and experiences of failure. Keep in mind, trying to make heads or tails of your trials is both exhausting and unproductive. Instead of expending energy that you don’t have, double down on your trust in God. Except for a sinful pursuit where you are chasing forbidden fruit, keep moving forward and trust God to make a way.

Psalm 27:14 counsels us to look to God when it says, “Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!”

It is in the waiting that we are susceptible to temptation and or quitting. However, it is in those seasons where more patience and perseverance is necessary towards our quest to become closer to God. In those valley experiences, God reminds us of His sustaining grace. Speaking from my experience, we are tempted most to quit right before the breakthrough and miracle. Therefore, keep praying. Seek God for wisdom and when applicable, the help of His people.

May God bless and sustain you through the battl

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