Getting Out Of Your Mental Pit

Getting Out Of Your Mental Pit | September 28, 2023
Regarded as the world's deepest pit, Bingham Canyon Mine is 2.75 miles wide and 0.75 miles deep. To give you an idea of how massive this pit is, if Bingham Canyon was a sports stadium, it could seat 9 million people!
Sometimes, life can be so difficult that you find yourself in a mental pit. If you have spent time in the pit, you know it can be a dark and discouraging place. While in it, the frequency of negative thoughts is multiplied exponentially, and any hope of making it out seems impossible.
It could be a relationship or a plan that didn't work out. Perhaps there is a struggle or stress over a medical concern. It could be a financial hardship or fear over everything happening in our world. Whatever the reason, no one is exempt from falling into the hole of despair. However, it is also true that no one has to make it their permanent home.
To get out of your pit, you need to pray as David did in Psalm 40:1-3 which says, "I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry. 2 He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. 3 He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear the Lord and put their trust in him."
A key to not losing control, or your mind, for that matter, while in the pit is to adopt a focus of patience. See, patience is your superpower in adversity. Patience is the mental capacity to endure troubles. Think of it as the equivalent of having a high threshold for pain. Thus, as you combine patience with prayer, which in this context is waiting on God for deliverance, you will not give up and, in the process, become stronger.
Like David, you will have a song of praise and renewed purpose when God takes you out of your pit because He hears your prayers. "In my distress, I cried out to the Lord; yes, I prayed to my God for help. He heard me from his sanctuary; my cry to him reached his ears" (Psalm 18:6).
Sometimes, life can be so difficult that you find yourself in a mental pit. If you have spent time in the pit, you know it can be a dark and discouraging place. While in it, the frequency of negative thoughts is multiplied exponentially, and any hope of making it out seems impossible.
It could be a relationship or a plan that didn't work out. Perhaps there is a struggle or stress over a medical concern. It could be a financial hardship or fear over everything happening in our world. Whatever the reason, no one is exempt from falling into the hole of despair. However, it is also true that no one has to make it their permanent home.
To get out of your pit, you need to pray as David did in Psalm 40:1-3 which says, "I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry. 2 He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. 3 He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear the Lord and put their trust in him."
A key to not losing control, or your mind, for that matter, while in the pit is to adopt a focus of patience. See, patience is your superpower in adversity. Patience is the mental capacity to endure troubles. Think of it as the equivalent of having a high threshold for pain. Thus, as you combine patience with prayer, which in this context is waiting on God for deliverance, you will not give up and, in the process, become stronger.
Like David, you will have a song of praise and renewed purpose when God takes you out of your pit because He hears your prayers. "In my distress, I cried out to the Lord; yes, I prayed to my God for help. He heard me from his sanctuary; my cry to him reached his ears" (Psalm 18:6).
Watch a previously recorded message from Pastor Ray on Toxic Thoughts:

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