Faithfulness Requires Patience
January 3rd, 2024
According to AAA said an estimated 1.5 million Americans were expected to travel during Christmas and New Year's week. The report also projected that travelers would go 50 miles or more from their hom...  Read More
by Pastor Ray
Be Faithful Where You Are Now
January 2nd, 2024
The key to success in this New Year is to stop waiting or wishing for the opportunity to come and start putting in the work of faithfulness now. Consider your physical health. You may not have the ide...  Read More
by Pastor Ray
Focus On Faithfulness
January 1st, 2024
As the calendar turns to 2024 and God graciously gives us another day, adopting "a word" for the New Year would be prudent. This particular word can be your true north to direct you along the right pa...  Read More
by Pastor Ray
End The Year With Humble Expectations
December 31st, 2023
Have you noticed that sometimes humility gets a bad rap? Some think humility is a sign of weakness, but that couldn't be further from the truth. See, in God's spiritual economy, humility is the curren...  Read More
by Pastor Ray
Choose The Son
December 30th, 2023
A very affluent woman passed away and had no next of kin on record to receive her assets. She was extremely wealthy, and her estate, which included costly artwork, antique cars that her husband once c...  Read More
by Pastor Ray
Meet The Real Royal Family
December 26th, 2023
Head Coach Joe Mazzulla of the Boston Celtics made news at a postgame press conference following his team's victory over the Miami Heat in 2022.One reporter asked if the first-year coach noticed Princ...  Read More
by Pastor Ray
How Does God Deal With Our Doubt?
December 20th, 2023
Experiencing spiritual doubt is more common than people may realize. A study from the Barna Group revealed that two-thirds of Christians interviewed deal with doubt! Of that numerical figure, approxim...  Read More
by Pastor Ray
Refuse To Stay Stuck In Fear
December 19th, 2023
Fear can either be productive or destructive in your life. For example, you lock your car and home for safety purposes. You protect your banking and other critical digital accounts with passwords for ...  Read More
by Ray Parascando
God's Gift Of Grace
December 18th, 2023
Whether you are on the giving or receiving end, exchanging gifts is enjoyable, especially around Christmas. If you purchase the present, most likely thought and time went into the task. At the same ti...  Read More
by Pastor Ray
Enjoying God's Miracles
December 17th, 2023
 After four hundred years of silence between the Old and New Testament, God spoke, and the news of two miraculous births was part of His message. First and foremost, Christmas centers around the holy ...  Read More
by Pastor Ray
Overcome Bouts With Doubt
December 16th, 2023
Before a boxing match, the ring announcer traditionally says, "This bout is scheduled for 12 rounds." By definition, the word bout refers to a fight. Also, we sometimes use that same word to describe ...  Read More
by Pastor Ray
God Is Always On Duty
December 4th, 2023
A mother and her 8-year-old daughter were preparing for bedtime. The child was afraid of the dark, and the mother, on this occasion alone with the child, felt fearful also. The child caught a glimpse ...  Read More
by Pastor Ray
Bringing God To Your Fight
December 3rd, 2023
Some older students bullied a 6th grader named Tommy at school. They took his lunch money, his basketball, and his headphones. Going to school became a real struggle for Tommy after that. At dinner on...  Read More
by Pastor Ray
God's Promise Of Peace
December 2nd, 2023
Fear never takes a holiday break or time off. Like an unrelenting storm, fear looks to pummel you with anxiety and mounds of stress. No matter your resolve or wit, fear can get the best of you. Thankf...  Read More
by Pastor Ray
Joy In doing Right
December 1st, 2023
Several channels and streaming services showcase Christmas movies leading up to December 25th. A few of the plots involve characters portrayed as selfish at first, only to find the Christmas spirit an...  Read More
by Pastor Ray
We Need Battle Prayers
November 30th, 2023
Every successful military campaign contained battle plans that led to victory. So, likewise, you need "battle prayers" when fighting temptation if you want to win and advance.See, temptation and strug...  Read More
by Pastor Ray
You Have Direct Access To God
November 29th, 2023
A king of a powerful nation was in his throne room, holding a council with his top advisers, generals, nobles, and high ministers of state. Suddenly, there was a bang and a clatter at the throne room ...  Read More
by Pastor Ray
Promise Keeping Is Good For Your Health | November 28th
November 28th, 2023
Do you remember your promises? Hopefully, the answer is yes because the people to whom you make them sure do. Heaven also records your words. Maybe you've said, "I'll call you back. I promise!" "I wil...  Read More
by Pastor Ray